World Braille Day 2021

  • World Braille Day 2021

    • 4 Jan  2021 

    RajaRajeswari College of Physiotherapy observes ‘World Braille Day 2021’ the third of its kind, on 4th January 2021 marking this special day of observance.

    World Braille Day is observed on January 4 every year to mark the birth anniversary of Louis Braille, the inventor of Braille language. Born on January 4, 1809 in France, Braille is credited for developing Braille language for blind and visually impaired people. When he was at France’s Royal Institute for Blind Youth, Braille started working on a system so that visually impaired people can read and write easily.

    The first World Braille Day was celebrated on January 4 in 2019 after it got approval from the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) via a proclamation in November 2018.


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