World Wetlands Day

  • World Wetlands Day

    • 2 Feb  2021 

    RajaRajeswari College of Physiotherapy observes ‘World Wetlands Day’ on 2nd February 2021 marking this special day of observance.

    2 February each year is World Wetlands Day to raise global awareness about the vital role of wetlands for people and our planet. This day also marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

    The Standing Committee of the Convention on Wetlands approved the themes for World Wetlands Day as follows: Wetlands and Climate Change, theme for 2019. Wetlands and Biodiversity, theme for 2020. Wetlands and Water, theme for 2021.

    The 2021 campaign highlights the contribution of wetlands to the quantity and quality of freshwater on our planet. Water and wetlands are connected in an inseparable co-existence that is vital to life, our wellbeing and the health of our planet.


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