College of Physiotherapy
Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru
Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka & Indian Association of Physiotherapists(A unit of RajaRajeswari Group of Institutions, Bengaluru)
On 3 Sep 2024, behalf of World Physiotherapy Day, RajaRajeswari College of Physiotherapy organized walkathon to create an awareness on management and prevention of low back pain among general population near Rajarajeshwari nagar, Bengaluru., considering the theme of World
Physiotherapy Day 2024 “low back pain – the role of physiotherapy in its managements and prevention”. Walkathon took place with participation by staffs and students of RajaRajeswari College of Physiotherapy, starting from Jayanna circle at 4.00 pm and ending in Gopalan arcade mall Rajarajeshwari nagar, Bengaluru at 5.00pm, which was at the stretch of 2 km distance. Walkathon happened with display of banners, placards and distribution of pamphlets related to low back pain, its management and prevention with physiotherapy and ergonomics.